modern skirting board from metres direct

When it comes to creating the perfect aesthetic for your home, the skirting boards you choose can make all the difference. Skirting boards provide a finished look to any room, and with so many styles and designs on the market, it's easy to find the perfect boards to match your home's aesthetic. In this blog post, we'll discuss the best tips and tricks for matching your skirting boards to your home's look.


Why skirting boards matter in interior design

When it comes to renovation or decorating your home, one detail that is often overlooked is skirting boards. These boards run along the bottom of the wall and the floor, providing a seamless and elegant transition between the two surfaces. Not only do they add a finishing touch to the room, but skirting boards can also have a significant impact on the overall aesthetic and atmosphere of a space. Choosing the right skirting boards can elevate the look of a room, and it is essential to consider the various factors that come into play when making a decision. From the type of material to the colour and style, skirting boards are an integral part of interior design.


Types of skirting boards and materials

Skirting boards come in various types, and selecting the right one for your home can be a bit overwhelming, so let's break it down into styles and materials.

Here are some of the different types of skirting boards available in the market today:

  1. Ogee Skirting Boards: These have an S-shaped profile, making them an excellent option for traditional or period-style homes.
  2. Torus Skirting Boards: These skirting boards have a rounded profile, which is suitable for a contemporary or modern interior.
  3. Bullnose Skirting Boards: These skirting boards have a half-rounded profile and are perfect for hiding imperfections in flooring and walls.

Now let's take a look at the materials used for skirting boards:

  1. Oak skirting boards: Oak is a popular material for skirting boards as it is strong, durable and resistant to wear and tear.
  2. Pine skirting boards: Pine is an affordable option and has a warm, natural appearance that can add character to your home.
  3. MDF skirting boards: Medium-density fibreboard (MDF) is an engineered wood product that is inexpensive and easy to work with. It can be painted to match any interior.

Want to add some vibrance? Why not consider LED light-compatible skirting boards?

Choosing the right skirting board material will depend on the style and design of your home, your budget, and your preferences. Regardless of the type or material, skirting boards are an essential part of your home's interior design.


Matching skirting boards to wall colours

One common question when it comes to skirting boards is whether or not they should match the colour of the walls. The answer really depends on your personal preference and the style of your home. If you're going for a cohesive look, it may be best to match the skirting boards to the wall colour. This can be particularly important if you're in the middle of a renovation and want to achieve a certain aesthetic. On the other hand, if you want the skirting boards to stand out and make a statement, you may want to choose a contrasting colour.

It's also important to consider the type of boards you're using. Some skirting board materials may lend themselves better to matching the wall colour, while others may look better with a contrasting colour. Ultimately, it comes down to your own personal taste and what looks best in your home.

One thing to keep in mind when selecting a colour for your skirting boards is the overall colour scheme of your space. If you have a lot of different colours and patterns in your decor, it may be best to choose a neutral colour for the skirting boards to help tie everything together. On the other hand, if your decor is more minimalistic and monochromatic, you may want to add some visual interest by choosing a bolder colour.

Overall, when it comes to matching skirting boards to wall colours, it's important to consider the style of your home, the type of boards you're using, and the overall colour scheme of your space. By taking these factors into account, you can create a cohesive and visually pleasing look that will enhance the overall design of your home.


Complementing skirting boards with flooring choices

Choosing the right flooring to match your skirting boards can make a huge difference in the overall look and feel of your space. When deciding on your flooring material, take into consideration the style of skirting boards you have selected. Different finishes can contribute to a specific aesthetic, and choosing a complementary material will tie the entire room together.

For example, if you have chosen a natural wood skirting board, hardwood flooring in a similar colour tone can be a great choice. The natural wood tones will blend seamlessly and create a cohesive look throughout the space. On the other hand, if you have chosen a painted skirting board, you can select a flooring material that contrasts with the colour of the skirting board. This will create a striking visual impact and add depth and dimension to the space.

Renovation projects offer a great opportunity to upgrade both your skirting boards and your flooring material. When selecting your materials, consider not only the visual aesthetics but also the durability and maintenance requirements. Hardwood flooring, for example, is known for its durability and longevity, while carpet offers a soft and cozy texture.

Remember that the right combination of skirting boards and flooring can transform the look and feel of any room in your home. Take the time to consider all your options and choose materials that best complement each other. This will help to create a harmonious and stylish living space that you can enjoy for years to come.


The importance of proportion when selecting skirting board styles

When choosing the right skirting boards for your home, it's important to pay attention to proportion. Skirting boards that are too small can make a room look unbalanced, while ones that are too large can overwhelm the space. Ensuring the boards are the right size will help to enhance the overall look and feel of your room.

Consider the size of the room and the height of the ceilings when choosing the skirting board style. Higher ceilings can handle taller skirting boards, while lower ceilings will look better with shorter boards. It's important to select skirting boards that match the scale of the room to achieve a cohesive look.

Additionally, when considering the proportion of skirting boards, you'll want to think about the size of other architectural elements in the room, such as windows and doors. For example, if you have larger windows and doors, you may want to choose something that is more substantial in size to complement them.

Choosing the right proportion of skirting boards will also ensure they don't detract from other decorative elements in the room. A skirting board that is too large can take away from a beautifully painted feature wall or a striking piece of furniture.

In summary, selecting the right proportion is crucial for creating a balanced and harmonious look in any room. Be mindful of the size of the room, the height of the ceilings, and the size of other architectural elements to ensure your skirting boards complement rather than overpower the space.


Tips for installation and maintenance of skirting boards

Installing and maintaining skirting boards can seem like a daunting task, but with these quick tips, it can be a breeze.

  1. Use the right materials: Choosing the right skirting board materials is crucial to ensure they stand the test of time. Some popular options include MDF, pine, and oak.
  2. Measuring is key: Before installation, ensure you have accurately measured the space where the skirting boards will be placed. This will help you avoid any gaps or awkward angles during installation.
  3. Choose the right adhesive: Use a strong adhesive to ensure your skirting boards stay firmly in place. Avoid using nails as they can damage the wall and create holes.
  4. Finishing touches: Once the skirting boards have been installed, you may want to finish them off with paint or varnish. This will not only improve their appearance but also provide extra protection against wear and tear.
  5. Keep them clean: Skirting boards can attract dust and dirt, so it's essential to regularly clean them to maintain their appearance. A simple wipe-down with a damp cloth should suffice.

Whether you are renovating your home or simply looking to upgrade your skirting boards, these tips will ensure they look great and stand the test of time. Remember, choosing the right skirting boards can make a big difference in your home's overall appearance, so take your time and choose wisely.


 For a more in-depth look into installing your skirting, you can always take a look at our guide to installing your skirting boards.

Skirting board